Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bachelor, and guidelines.

Okay, well I know you're probably fed up from hearing all about it by now, but being a blogger who wants to be noticed, I'm gonna give you the facts on the Bachelor.
• Jason is a complete and utter jerk.
• If you're nosy you can look up the emails sent between him and Melissa if you just google it, she said herself on Ellen that they were for real.
• I knew from the beginning there was something I really didn't like about Molly. And now I know why. So I guess I'm a good people-reader?
So if you have no clue what I'm talking about, then don't worry about it. You don't want to know. Now let's talk about my life! *cheers*
• I've said it a thousand times before, and I'll say it again: If people listened to me, bad things wouldn't happen. (usually, anyways. If ever you listen to me and something bad happens.. remember that nobody is perfect except Jesus!)
• People, especially girls, gossip way too much. No matter how harmless you think it is, please stop. It's so much worse than you can imagine if you haven't experienced the victim side of it.
• ♫I don't wanna be a hypocrite, 'cause they're not hip with it. I just wanna be a sheep.