Monday, July 27, 2009

Okay, so, (Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, O-K, O-K, O-K, and So a needle pulling thread. Happy, Camp Barnabas-ers?) I got the new layout, yes, and I know that it sucks. So I'm sorry, but until I find some creativity.. that's as good as it's gonna get. And in the meantime (Yes, in the meatime), if (If I were an Oscar Meyer weiner) you wouldn't mind, would you please tell me it looks good? 'Kay thanks.

Alright, (AlrightHuh!) here's the deal with the parenthesis. I went to Camp Barnabas for a week! Now, Camp Barnabas is a camp for kids with special needs. They take the kids other camps won't allow, and they get to do things they aren't allowed to in the "real world". The weeks I went to serve was mental disability week for adults. So I was a CIA (Christian In Action) and that meant I was to serve a camper all week. I had to be in arms-length of him at all time.

Anyways, the parenthesis! At Camp Barnabas, whenever you say certain things, like; Alright, Ready, Okay, If, So, Um, But, Fish House, Pool, Conference Room, your face(just kidding), etc. people will respond with special "chants". It was a lot of fun but now I'm annoying the heck out of everyone.

Over the next couple of days, or weeks, however long it takes, I'm going to come up with interesting stories of my summer, especially Barnabas. Unfortunately, I won't be showing any pictures.
Sorry this post wasn't more interesting, but I'm out of practice! =)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bachelor, and guidelines.

Okay, well I know you're probably fed up from hearing all about it by now, but being a blogger who wants to be noticed, I'm gonna give you the facts on the Bachelor.
• Jason is a complete and utter jerk.
• If you're nosy you can look up the emails sent between him and Melissa if you just google it, she said herself on Ellen that they were for real.
• I knew from the beginning there was something I really didn't like about Molly. And now I know why. So I guess I'm a good people-reader?
So if you have no clue what I'm talking about, then don't worry about it. You don't want to know. Now let's talk about my life! *cheers*
• I've said it a thousand times before, and I'll say it again: If people listened to me, bad things wouldn't happen. (usually, anyways. If ever you listen to me and something bad happens.. remember that nobody is perfect except Jesus!)
• People, especially girls, gossip way too much. No matter how harmless you think it is, please stop. It's so much worse than you can imagine if you haven't experienced the victim side of it.
• ♫I don't wanna be a hypocrite, 'cause they're not hip with it. I just wanna be a sheep.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I've found a cure for Frienditis (disease I mentioned in previous post). Have your friend hate you. Then you won't like them so much.

Anyhoo... I took a drama class yesterday at my Church. It was taught by this guy who teaches at a University. I learned some thing I hadn't heard before:
- Verisimilitude - It's like when you break the fourth wall to explain something to the audience. Like in Shakespeare, when instead of sets, they just said, "They're on the Heath", or whatever.
- Italian Run - a run-through that is double-time.
- French Scene - Anytime a character enters or exits the stage. I thought they were called "Entrances" and "Exits" but nooo... -__-
If you can't tell, I'm a little dash-crazy today. =D
I also learned about Beats and Units and stuff.. but that's more difficult to explain.
So there's a little theatre language for you, if you didn't already know it, anyways. And if you did, then at least you found the cure for Frienditis.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I have Frienditis. I suffer from it. It's not a rare disease, but I'm a rare person, therefore it is thrice as miserable. Symptoms are as follows, diagnose yourself if necessary:
• You love, love, love your friends, and people, for that matter.
• Your friends, along with most other people, have too many emotions.
• As well as problems.
• They're very dramatic
• You have to deal with it all of the time
• Yet you can't seem to get rid of them, no matter how hard you try.
Do you suffer silently? Or maybe you even suffer loudly, screaming your pain to your friends, but it doesn't help. Take part of our study to see if we can aid this problem. We're thinking we probably can't, but we want to make you feel like we can.. but people don't seem to grow up fast enough.. and we can't make you hate the people you love.. soo.... you're stuck. But call now anyways at 1-800-FRIENDITIS, call now, 1-800-FRIENDITIS.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My Rhyming Tribute to 2008

It has been quite a little while since I have posted (Yes, I am aware of the redundancy), so today I have a special surprise for you. A rhyming tribute to 2008 (Or, you know, a peom.)!!! Here goes!

Goodbye, farewell, two-thousand eight!
How much I have learned in 365 days.

I learned how to flirt,
and found I'm naturally great.
Then I banished that hobby
for a better way to date.

I learned how to serve,
and, my, that's a good deal.
It's very rewarding
to dish a good meal.

I learned how to work
without complaining,
and that every life
is a life worth saving.

I learned how to order
a good subway sandwhich.
I learned how to drive,
(and not into a big ditch!)

I learned how to dance.
That was interesting.
I also learned that I'm quite
fascinated by fencing.

I learned to love God,
and it's such a great passion.
Life's about Jesus,
never style, looks or fashion.

I learned very much.
But for two-thousand nine,
there's still much to learn,
and for me that's just fine!

Okay, okay, very corny and not as funny as it was at 11:30 last night..
but it's what I have for now. Next post is gonna be about what I did with my hair. *wiggles eyebrows*
Here's a hint- PINK!

Friday, January 2, 2009

When You Highlight Your Hair Pink..

Reactions you'll get when you streak your hair with odd colors!

. Strange women will go out of their way to smile at you... which is kind of creepy/
. Women who are not strangers (not that they aren't strange) will search for polite comments but will fail. Miserably. Examples: "Well, I love you no matter what your hair looks like.", "Hm.. well, looks like you.", and the ever-so-obvious, "It's very different."
. The third grade boys you help teach at Sunday School will first say "Cool!" and then will start screaming "Agh! She's going to kill us!"

. Your friends will treat you the same. =)
After they feel it, of course.

(Yeah, this image is a little stretched, and my hair isn't that bright anymore.)