Monday, January 12, 2009

My Rhyming Tribute to 2008

It has been quite a little while since I have posted (Yes, I am aware of the redundancy), so today I have a special surprise for you. A rhyming tribute to 2008 (Or, you know, a peom.)!!! Here goes!

Goodbye, farewell, two-thousand eight!
How much I have learned in 365 days.

I learned how to flirt,
and found I'm naturally great.
Then I banished that hobby
for a better way to date.

I learned how to serve,
and, my, that's a good deal.
It's very rewarding
to dish a good meal.

I learned how to work
without complaining,
and that every life
is a life worth saving.

I learned how to order
a good subway sandwhich.
I learned how to drive,
(and not into a big ditch!)

I learned how to dance.
That was interesting.
I also learned that I'm quite
fascinated by fencing.

I learned to love God,
and it's such a great passion.
Life's about Jesus,
never style, looks or fashion.

I learned very much.
But for two-thousand nine,
there's still much to learn,
and for me that's just fine!

Okay, okay, very corny and not as funny as it was at 11:30 last night..
but it's what I have for now. Next post is gonna be about what I did with my hair. *wiggles eyebrows*
Here's a hint- PINK!

Friday, January 2, 2009

When You Highlight Your Hair Pink..

Reactions you'll get when you streak your hair with odd colors!

. Strange women will go out of their way to smile at you... which is kind of creepy/
. Women who are not strangers (not that they aren't strange) will search for polite comments but will fail. Miserably. Examples: "Well, I love you no matter what your hair looks like.", "Hm.. well, looks like you.", and the ever-so-obvious, "It's very different."
. The third grade boys you help teach at Sunday School will first say "Cool!" and then will start screaming "Agh! She's going to kill us!"

. Your friends will treat you the same. =)
After they feel it, of course.

(Yeah, this image is a little stretched, and my hair isn't that bright anymore.)