Sunday, February 8, 2009


I have Frienditis. I suffer from it. It's not a rare disease, but I'm a rare person, therefore it is thrice as miserable. Symptoms are as follows, diagnose yourself if necessary:
• You love, love, love your friends, and people, for that matter.
• Your friends, along with most other people, have too many emotions.
• As well as problems.
• They're very dramatic
• You have to deal with it all of the time
• Yet you can't seem to get rid of them, no matter how hard you try.
Do you suffer silently? Or maybe you even suffer loudly, screaming your pain to your friends, but it doesn't help. Take part of our study to see if we can aid this problem. We're thinking we probably can't, but we want to make you feel like we can.. but people don't seem to grow up fast enough.. and we can't make you hate the people you love.. soo.... you're stuck. But call now anyways at 1-800-FRIENDITIS, call now, 1-800-FRIENDITIS.

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