Thursday, November 6, 2008

Here I Am

I'm making weak coffee, preparing to go to a college fair and annoying the other residents of this house (My mother and brother) with my sheer insanity. "I'm sorry," Mom apologized earlier. "I don't know what's wrong with her."
Well, I'm afraid there is nothing terribly wrong with me at the moment, other than the reoccurring nightmares each night since the fatalistic dentist appointment half a month ago. And the fact that I've had stories to tell, but each day I've tried to tell them it's been a special day that I feel I must share a story about (Halloween, the election, etc.)
Before I get on to my stories, I have cool news. Not the greatest, or even wonderful, just cool. On Monday I met with my teacher from the college about my essay, and he said that he wishes my friend Annie and I were the only students he had to grade. We're the ones in highschool. He gave me a check + on my paper (not to be graded officially until December) which signifies perfect. He found nothing seriously wrong with my paper, and he said he could tell I enjoyed writing the paper. This, of course, boosted my ego and has been a great encouragement for me. I shall continue to write until someone reads. And perhaps I'll put my papers on here, and then you can see my lame joke attempts.
Well, mostly for stories I have the funniest things Chase, my brother, has said to me throughout the week:
"Rachel, one time I embarrased myself!" Nothing I tried to say was funny enough to capture the moment worthily.
"*gasp* I have ABS!!!"
The other day I was lying on my kitchen floor, and he kept climbing over me. So I grabbed his pants by the waistband and warned, "Don't move or your pants will come off." Of course, he slid right out of them... I don't know why but i found this hilarious at the time.
I can't even begin to explain his amazing costume to you until I get the pictures uploaded, but let me tell you, it got lots of compliments and some confused faces.

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