Depending on where you're from, I have no idea whether or not you've heard of the hand hug. Ha ha.. that was lame-sounding. Basically, in my college class on Monday, my Prof. asked me what word I was writing my definition essay about. It's "Hi", which led Dave (without Dave's friend, he was sick or something) to turn around and say, "What?" with this crazy expression that he's given me more than once, not understanding what I meant, apparently. Actually, he uses the expression alot, and, come to think of it, he's confused.. alot. Anyway, the teacher was writing synonyms and negations (denials or opposites..) for this word on his gigantic blackboard, and he started to talk about how "the wave" also meant "Hi". I already knew this, it was already in my draft. He also stated the the high-five was the same, (with which I disagree) and told a story about how he didn't know how to give one.
This is where the hand hug comes in. The guy behind me, the one from Texas that told me I should go on the river walk again when I'm twenty-one (Um, he's in a freshman class, shouldn't he be 18?), said, "You could give a hand hug!" which sounded more like, "Yeh cud gev eh and ugg. " with lots of gibberish in between.
"A what?" my teacher asked.
"A hand hug!" he and the girl from Oklahoma said together. I guess she also was a fan . They then demonstrated together what it was. If I could find my camera, I'd show you a picture to help explain, but I'm afraid it's temporarily misplaced.
Find a friend, and put your right hands together, like you just froze a high-five on impact. Take your thumb, and wrap it around your friend's hand, and have him/her do the same. Awkward, am I right? But after the first ten times you do it, it becomes totally awesome. Well, to you and the few friends that get addicted to it, too. I showed my whole team Monday night, and one of the girls spread it to everyone else she knew. Down south I guess this is a trend, I'll have to ask my cousin, Chris, because he's from Oklahoma, too.
Go spread the love! Give a hand hug!
(I promise, no more parenthesis in the next post.)
Justice Prevails
15 years ago