Sunday, December 14, 2008

Insanity Takes Over

.....My mother, though I love her dearly, can be as much of a nutcase as I. ;)
Let me relate to you our conversation last night:
Mom: "Is it noon- uh, midnight? I mean ten?"
Me: *laughs*
Mom: "Would you hand me a box?"
Me: "Uh.. sure... What kind?"
Mom: *focuses on her solitaire game*
Me: "Mom?"
Mom: "Hey, hand me the T.V."
Me: "Um, no."
Mom: "I mean, hand me the remote. "
....Yep, that's how it goes in my house. Sometimes she even addresses me as all of my brothers' names and a few pet names before she remembers that I am called Rachel. But sometimes I utter random nonsense that confuses the heck out of them, so I guess we're even. Oh, and all of my friends love my mom, too. So I guess nuttiness is pretty cool as far as parents go..
.....We're not the only nutters in the house, by far, let me tell you! There's my little brother, who is sarcastic in his sleep talking, my father, who chased me with one of those shock pens today, and my cat, who walks toward the van when I'm pulling into the garage but is deathly afraid of the street. And that's only the beginning.
Oh, yay, we're going to go decorate the tree. I'm going to see what happens and find out if I'll have a good story for tomorrow.

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